Hello, I try to use the visualization tool of my local instance of galaxy under ubuntu. Everytime I try to create a feature track from a sam file, I get the following error: /bin/sh samtools not found I have installed samtools from ubuntu reposotories and it works well as I can call it from the shell. Nevertheless, I still get the same error. I checked that the samtools binary is in a folder included in my $PATH as described here: http://dev.list.galaxyproject.org/Re-bin-sh-samtools-not-found-gt-gt- WORKAROUND-td4585265.html I tried to use an "analyze data" tool in galaxy interface that uses samtools and it worked. It seems that it's only in trackster that samtools are not found. Do you have an idea to fix it? Best regards Yec'han ============================ Yec'han LAIZET Ingénieur Plateforme Genome Transcriptome Tel: 05 57 12 27 75 _________________________________ INRA-UMR BIOGECO 1202 Equipe Genetique 69 route d'Arcachon 33612 CESTAS ============================