data process and output is both on amazon ( input is free but storage and transfer costs $)  
the main server is only used to cross check results of data running parallel on amazon for now.
apologies if the second question was not framed properly, but it seems there is a fee to share output datasets between nodes on same master instance  ?


From: Dannon Baker <>
Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 10:49 AM
To: System Administrator <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] unable to share dataset history

Data transfer into Amazon's cloud is completely free.  Data out is what costs money.  See

What you're trying to do here would be loading data *into* amazon from our main server at  I'm not sure what you're asking with the second question there -- in a cloud instance the master and worker nodes are all inside the cloud, and communication between them is both free, and very fast.


On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 8:43 AM, Manisha Sapre <> wrote:
Good Morning Dannon

this may not be a cost effective way of sharing data, cloud amazon charges $0.120 per GB data transfer, is there a work around ?

also does that mean a worker node cannot communicate with master instance directly and use same below protocol to share history ?


From: Dannon Baker <>
Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 4:55 PM
To: System Administrator <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] unable to share dataset history


That sort of sharing only works within a single galaxy instance; users are not shared between different galaxies.  To copy an entire history from one instance to another you will want to use the history export/import functionality.  History context menu -> Export to file on the source instance, and Import from file on the destination.


On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Manisha Sapre <> wrote:
Hello Team Galaxy 

trying to share/ forward dataset history from user 1 ( running on a local instance,Scrn.1) to user 2 (running on cloud amazon ec2 instance,Scrn.2) and vice-versa, error:- user is not a valid galaxy user. getting this error while both the users are logged into system and both the instance's are running normal.

insights of team will be very helpful.
