Hi galaxians, I'm having an issue with tool parameters when using conditional tag and boolean parameters. My xml is like this: <conditional name="mis_allowed_conditional"> <param name="mis_allowed_bool" type="boolean" label="Allow mismatch ?" truevalue="-m" falsevalue="" checked="no"/> <when value="-m"> <param name="mis_allowed" type="float" value="0"/> </when> </conditional> and my command line is like: <command interpreter="python">wrapper.py $mis_allowed_conditional.mis_allowed_bool $mis_allowed_conditional.mis_allowed</command> The problem is when mis_allowed_bool isn't checked, I don't have any arguments in my command line (as expected). But, when it is checked, $mis_allowed_conditional.mis_allowed_bool is set to "True" and not to "-m". The strange thing is that the "mis_allowed" textfield is visible when mis_allowed_bool is checked so I guess that the when behaves as expected. Moreover, other boolean parameters that are not nested in a conditional work as they should. Is there something wrong with my xml or is this some kind of bug? Thank you for your answers, Alec