Hi all, I'm trying to set the dbkey of an output file from the value (text) of a parameter. The parameter I want to use is genome. <conditional name="bedgraph"> <param name="check" type="select" label="Produce BedGraph output" help="Can be displayed directly on UCSC browser. One file per normalisation method." > <option value="no" selected="True">No</option> <option value="yes">Yes</option> </param> <when value="yes"> <param name="bed_file" type="data" format="bed" label="Transcripts ins BED format" help="12 column BED file containing trancript definitions." /> <param name="genome" type="text" label="Genome Build" help="E.g. hg19" /> <param name="track_name" type="text" label="Track Name" size="20" value="Track Name" /> </when> <when value="no" /> </conditional> and this is how I've set the output: <data format="bedgraph" name="bedgraph_slograt" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: Smoot Log2ratio (bedGraph)" from_work_dir="output_dir/slograt.bedgraph"> <filter> bedgraph['check'] == 'yes' and slograt['check'] == 'yes' </filter> <action type="metadata" name="dbkey"> <option type="from_param" name="bedgraph.genome" param_attribute="value" /> </action> </data> When I run the tool the dbkey isn't set to the output file. Does anyone know a workaround? Bests, Nikos