Hi Hans-Rudolf,
the problem is that the 18.05 release is missing the viz static files in the proper folder. To be precise /config/plugins/visualizations/*/static needs to be copied to /static/plugins/visualizations/*/static
To fix:
(make sure you have node 8.x.x and not newer)
$ cd client
$ ./node_modules/.bin/gulp plugins
I am sorry for the inconvenience, we will fix this in the release branch early next week.
Dear Hans-Rudolf,
I think this is being worked on at
https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/pull/6297 .
On 08/06/18 14:57, Hans-Rudolf Hotz wrote:
> just adding a little bit more information:
> - this problem happens independent of using paste or uwsgi
> - as far as I have tested all visualization plugins (with the
> exception of trackster) are broken. For broken visualizations, other
> than 'scatterplot', I get the error: "Load function 'load' not found"
> Regards,
> Hans-Rudolf
> On 06/05/2018 05:14 PM, Hans-Rudolf Hotz wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I am in the process of upgrading our servers to 18.05. And I have
>> encountered an issue with the Visualization tool "Scatterplot, Creates a
>> 2D-scatterplot from tabular datapoints"
>> I am starting with a simple bed file for chromosome 15 (downloaded with
>> UCSC table browser tool). When I click on the Visualization icon,
>> followed by "Scatterplot", I end up with an near empty page. I only get
>> the title:
>> Scatterplot of 'UCSC Main on Human: ncbiRefSeq
>> (chr15:20010162-22868384)'
>> UCSC Main on Human: ncbiRefSeq (chr15:20010162-22868384)
>> This happens with our development server (after being upgraded from
>> 17.09). It is the same using a new clone of 18.05 code.
>> It also happens on usegalaxy.eu but it does work on usegalaxy.org
>> As a side note: on usegalaxy.org, each visualization has its little icon
>> (see: 'usegalaxy.org.png'), while on usegalaxy.eu, each visualization
>> just has an eye (see: 'usegalaxy.eu.png')
>> I hope there is an easy fix for this....
>> Regards, Hans-Rudolf
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