Hi again... I still have problems in visualizing on external UCSC sites using the display_application... I've implemented bigWig data format, and it works (not really the sniffer but who cares at the moment?).... What is important is that the display_applications gives me a link to the genome browser that is correct: http://host001.instruments.ifom-ieo-campus.it:8080/display_application/cac7b... which points to http://genome.ifom-ieo-campus.it/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=hg18&hgt.customText=http%3A%2F%2Fhost001.instruments.ifom-ieo-campus.it%3A8080%2Fdisplay_application%2Fcac7b9b902f807f2%2Fucsc_bigwig%2Fcampus%2F090e9746a4403c88%2Fparam%2Ftrack which has this link in hgt.customText http://host001.instruments.ifom-ieo-campus.it:8080/display_application/cac7b... which says track type=bigWig name="wgEncodeYaleChIPseqRawDataRep2Helas3Pol2_fs.bw" bigDataUrl=http://host001.instruments.ifom-ieo-campus.it:8080/display_application/cac7b... db=hg18 Everything is correct, apparently... Needles to say, the bigWig file is fully operational meaning that: 1- if I download the bigDataUrl to another machine and show that file through another apache, the genome browser can read it 2- the original file can be seen and loaded. BTW, the genome browser complains: http://host001.instruments.ifom-ieo-campus.it:8080/display_application/cac7b... is not a chromosome id r-tree index file That probably means that there's something between the genome browser and the bigWig file (galaxy?) which passes wrong data/headers or possibly is passing something *before* the actual bigWig data stream... As I have issues with BAM files too, I believe the cause may be the same... Any help/hint/debug strategy is really appreciated! d /* Davide Cittaro Cogentech - Consortium for Genomic Technologies via adamello, 16 20139 Milano Italy tel.: +39(02)574303007 e-mail: davide.cittaro@ifom-ieo-campus.it */