Thanks a lot !!! I think other questions will appear with the use of collections in workflows, but it will be an other story :) Julie 2014-06-04 17:00 GMT+02:00 John Chilton <>:
Hello Julie,
Thanks for your interest in dataset collections! Good luck with your experiments and sorry about the bumps in road you will experience - these are early days :). Here are the modified tools from the example:
These examples may not make sense because the example in the presentation is highly contrived. There are some equally contrived - but much simpler tools (to visualize, test the concepts) - in Galaxy's test tools directory ( ) see collection_mixed_param.xml, collection_nested_test.xml, and collection_paired_test.xml.
Hope this helps.
On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 9:40 AM, julie dubois <> wrote:
Hi, Your latest update is very exciting with the introduction of Dataset_Collections!!! It's very useful for us . I've been testing it in a new install of Galaxy and I can create a Dataset_Collection in my history. But with the reading of trello cards and this presentation :
I've not yet found how to code a tool to use this collection and/or unique dataset.
Is it possible to have the bowtie2 version (and or Merge Bam) with these 2 possibilities to have an example? And how can I see the icons in the formular which allow to switch between the use of unique dataset and the use of dataset collection, like is presented in the presentation ?
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