Hi John and Christophe, What the job script integrity script does is checking that the script is ready to be executed, by setting the environment variable `ABC_TEST_JOB_SCRIPT_INTEGRITY_XYZ` to 1 and then executing the tool_script.sh script that contains the following check: ``` if [ -n "$ABC_TEST_JOB_SCRIPT_INTEGRITY_XYZ" ]; then exit 42 fi ``` So if the script is ready to execute it returns with the exit code 42. Now this can take a few seconds over NFS (I guess that'd be true for lustre as well). This check is being run 35 times with a sleep of .25 seconds. Unfortunately there was a bug in galaxy that would skip the sleep, so the job integrity check would fail frequently. We fixed this in https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/pull/4720 and this has been backported up to galaxy release 16.07, so if you just get to the latest galaxy commit on your branch it *may* work again. Now this has been broken for a long time, and it has never worked for me on our current cluster. Should an update to galaxy not be enough, you can disable this check with `check_job_script_integrity = False` in the galaxy.ini or by adding `-e GALAXY_CONFIG_CHECK_JOB_SCRIPT_INTEGRITY=False` if you're running kickstart in docker. I have not seen any drawback of disabling the integrity check on our cluster. Good luck, Marius On 7 November 2017 at 18:25, Christophe Antoniewski <drosofff@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi John,
Can you also raise an issue in https://github.com/ARTbio/G alaxyKickStart/issues ?
In order to help, I will need to know the configuration of your GalaxyKickStart (the variables you modified in the playbook, group_vars and inventory_files).
Did you use the cloud_setup role ? In that case Enis Afgan https://github.com/afgane may help.
Best regards
Christophe Antoniewski
Institut de Biologie Paris Seine <http://www.ibps.upmc.fr/en> 9, Quai St Bernard, Boîte courrier 24 75252 Paris Cedex 05 ARTbio <http://artbio.fr/> Bâtiment B, 7e étage, porte 725
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Today's Topics:
1. Job Script Integrity (John Letaw)
Message: 1 Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2017 03:20:49 +0000 From: "John Letaw" <letaw@ohsu.edu> To: "galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org" <galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org> Subject: [galaxy-dev] Job Script Integrity Message-ID: <FBF795C3-8F01-47EF-8033-F14DD8694328@ohsu.edu> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Hi all,
I’m installing via GalaxyKickStart…
I’m getting the following error:
galaxy.jobs.runners ERROR 2017-11-06 19:14:05,263 (19) Failure preparing job Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/exacloud/lustre1/galaxydev/galaxyuser/lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/__init__.py", line 175, in prepare_job modify_command_for_container=modify_command_for_container File "/home/exacloud/lustre1/galaxydev/galaxyuser/lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/__init__.py", line 209, in build_command_line container=container File "/home/exacloud/lustre1/galaxydev/galaxyuser/lib/galaxy/jobs/command_factory.py", line 84, in build_command externalized_commands = __externalize_commands(job_wrapper, external_command_shell, commands_builder, remote_command_params) File "/home/exacloud/lustre1/galaxydev/galaxyuser/lib/galaxy/jobs/command_factory.py", line 143, in __externalize_commands write_script(local_container_script, script_contents, config) File "/home/exacloud/lustre1/galaxydev/galaxyuser/lib/galaxy/jobs /runners/util/job_script/__init__.py", line 112, in write_script _handle_script_integrity(path, config) File "/home/exacloud/lustre1/galaxydev/galaxyuser/lib/galaxy/jobs /runners/util/job_script/__init__.py", line 147, in _handle_script_integrity raise Exception("Failed to write job script, could not verify job script integrity.") Exception: Failed to write job script, could not verify job script integrity. galaxy.model.metadata DEBUG 2017-11-06 19:14:05,541 Cleaning up external metadata files galaxy.model.metadata DEBUG 2017-11-06 19:14:05,576 Failed to cleanup MetadataTempFile temp files from /home/exacloud/lustre1/galaxyd ev/galaxyuser/database/jobs/000/19/metadata_out_HistoryDatasetAssociation_16_I8bhLX: No JSON object could be decoded
I would like to further understand what it means to not verify integrity of a job script. Does this just mean there is a permissions error? Ownership doesn’t match up?
Thanks, John