Hi Peter, the page you are looking for is: https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/ToolDependenciesTagSets I think it should be better linked, I had to bookmark it! Cheers, Nicola Il 02.09.2015 12:33 Peter Cock ha scritto:
Hi all,
Is there a page on the wiki describing the tool_dependencies.xml file syntax?
Searching finds pages with examples, e.g.
https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/ToolsWithDependenciesInSameRepository [1]
https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/ComplexRepositoryDependencies [2]
What I am looking for is something like the wiki page for the tool XML: https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/Tools/ToolConfigSyntax [3]
This missing page should do things like list all the XML tags, for example showing all the permitted actions in tool_dependencies.xml?
What are the pre-defined environment variables like $INSTALL_DIR,
and my specific question today - does that have a trailing slash or not?
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