Hello, I get an error when trying to upgrade my mysql db with sh manage_db.sh upgrade from version 94->95 (see below). Will cause problems with my installation? sh manage_db.sh upgrade 93 -> 94... Migration script to create "handler" column in job table. done 94 -> 95... Migration script to create table for tracking history_dataset_association subsets. (OperationalError) (1059, "Identifier name 'ix_history_dataset_association_subset_history_dataset_association_id' is too long") u'CREATE INDEX ix_history_dataset_association_subset_history_dataset_association_id ON history_dataset_association_subset (history_dataset_association_id)' () done 95 -> 96... Migration script to add column to openid table for provider. Remove any OpenID entries with nonunique GenomeSpace Identifier done 96 -> 97... Migration script to add the ctx_rev column to the tool_shed_repository table. done Thanks in advance, Liisa