The highlight enhancement request on Trello: https://trello.com/c/vUtbTQ7l Since it was imported from Bitbucket, the duplicated card I mentioned refers to the wrong Trello card. Please consider! Thanks, Joachim Joachim Jacob Rijvisschestraat 120, 9052 Zwijnaarde Tel: +32 9 244.66.34 Bioinformatics Training and Services (BITS) http://www.bits.vib.be @bitsatvib On 02/06/2013 12:08 PM, Peter Cock wrote:
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Joachim Jacob |VIB| <joachim.jacob@vib.be> wrote:
In risk of getting a discussion here: a long standing enhancement request is to highlight the current history item one is currently viewing.
Situation sketch: I often hide the history items panel to study results (displayed in middle panel) into detail, and when I bring the history item panel back, I often have to search which item I was viewing - no clue at all. It really annoys me, but I don't know whether this can be fixed easily, and how deep you need to dig. Anyway, you will make at least one person happy :-)
Cheers, Joachim That sounds like a good usability enhancement - and would likely need some knowledge of the mako template system used in Galaxy, and HTML/CSS for the visual styling too.
You said it was a long standing enhancement request - is it filed on Trello? http://galaxyproject.org/trello (I couldn't find it myself).