Hello, I am trying to (ab)use the FTP file upload functionality to get data from an external service into Galaxy. From my reading of the docs I simply need to configure the ftp_upload_dir and ftp_upload_site in my galaxy.ini (haven't migrated to yaml yet) and Galaxy will expect to find subdirectories named after the user's account (email) in the ftp_upload_dir. I have configured the ftp_upload_dir (/home/galaxy/database/ftp in our case) and the "Choose FTP File" button is now available in the Upload dialog, however regardless of where I put files, or what I name them, Galaxy always reports that "Your FTP directory does not contain any files." For example, if I have the user account user@example.org I would expect to be able to place files in /home/galaxy/database/ftp/user@example.org and they will be available in the Upload dialog for the user@example.org user. However, this is not working; am I missing something? Thanks, Keith