23 Jul
23 Jul
8:47 a.m.
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 2:40 PM, Gromobir <gromobir@arcor.de> wrote:
Hello Peter, Thanks a lot for your reply. I was talking about the stdout, which can be displayed after clicking on the "i" icon. I went to "i"-icon -> stdout and only the last five lines are displayed there.
Hmm. Which tool (or is this happening on all tools)? Perhaps the tool wrapper is limiting this?
I'm currently trying to write my own tool. I implemented it using C++ and the standard output std::cout << ... How could I check if any wrapper may be the problem with this?
You could show us the XML for your wrapper, at least the <command> tag bit? Does it do anything strange with piping or redirecting stdout? Peter