Thanks Jeremy and Brad. I have made some good progress. The code below works but does not give a newname.

 It needs this to work:
'runtool_btn': 'Execute', 

is a required parameter in the various checks (there is also validation code there for  a URL origin parameter too).
The code below works but the only problem is that the name comes out as Pasted Entry.

I see some lines in
./lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/                    if override_name:
./lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/                        dataset_name = override_name

That looks like the NAME parameter should do the trick of setting a name instead of Pasted Entry.

I've tried tracking through the new_state and I think the problem is that NAME is not a known paremeter 
Any further advice?

function upload(name, value) { 
    var payload = {"tool_id": "upload1", 'file_type': 'auto',   
        'runtool_btn': 'Execute',
        'files_0|url_paste': value, "files_0|NAME": name};

    $.ajax( {
        async:      false,
        type:       "POST",
        url:        "/tool_runner/index",
        data:       payload,
        dataType:   "json",
        success:    function(array_obj, status) { console.log("success", array_obj, status); },
        failure:    function() {console.log("fail");}
    } );

Best regards

On Nov 12, 2012, at 6:28 PM, Jeremy Goecks wrote:

What is the error that you're seeing on the server side?

I haven't tried this myself, but Brad Chapman suggested this example payload:

{"tool_id": "upload1",
"history_id": "identifier of history to use",
"params": {"file_type": "vcf",
           "dbkey": "hg19",
           "files_0|NAME": "file_name_for_history.vcf"}} 

Maybe try removing file_type and adding files0|NAME?


On Nov 12, 2012, at 6:42 PM, Ted Goldstein wrote:

Essentially, this the similar to a dataset upload where the origin is from a web page when a user clicks on a HTML button. The button is not part of the tool framework but any number of possible
I am writing a variety of data editors in JavaScript and it would be convenient to upload the dataset into the user's current history list.
of JavaScript actions.

I think I should be able to use the regular upload1 ( machinery. But So far, I have not had success in tricking it with my JavaScript function. I know that I could add web api. But there is a lot hairy code in the history dataset association that looks like it will change. So I'd rather keep it simple.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


function UploadToHistory(name, value) { var payload = { tool_id: "upload1", 'file_type': 'tabular', 
'file_name', name, 'dbkey': '?', 
'files_0|url_paste': value}; $.ajax( { async: false, type: "POST", url: "/tool_runner/index", data: payload, dataType: "json", success: function(array_obj, status) { console.log("success", array_obj, status); }, failure: function() {console.log("fail");} } ); }
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