You can use labels to give the desired effect. Just look at the existing toolconf to see how they work. It is not hierarchical  but that was the best we could do.

Someone with more knowledge on the issue may shed more light on it though.

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Bossers, Alex <> wrote:

Hi galaxy developers,


Galaxy is a great tool. We have our local instance running fine and more and more tools are developed.

That’s also where the question is about: We can put tools in sub directories and they will be as a collapsing list under that dir-name in the tools menu on the left.


What is best practice to reorganize these tools? For instance I want to have extra subdividing headers (like in the public release for NGS toolbox beta). These may be static. I assume the order of the individual tools and subdirs is jst the order as how they appear in the config xml files.


Cheers and keep up the good work!


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Dennis Gascoigne
0407 639 995