Hi Jochen, I’m not sure I follow exactly. The SVG format is basically an XML file that can be visualized as a graphic. Whether it will be displayed as a graphic within your browser or as text generally depends upon the mime type that is set. If the mime type is set as text/plain, it will render as plain text, if it is set as image/svg+xml it will be rendered as an image; the previously mentioned flag will control which is used for this datatype. However, the actual file contents are the same. Dan
On Feb 8, 2017, at 2:46 AM, Jochen Bick <jochen.bick@usys.ethz.ch> wrote:
Thanks Dan,
I would like to have it as plain text but no as a separate file in the history but more like the solution of bam and bai files. Do you know how to do that?
Cheers Jochen
On 07.02.2017 21:26, Daniel Blankenberg wrote:
Just a quick note, if you want svg to be rendered as a graphics correctly via the eye preview, you’ll need to set “serve_xss_vulnerable_mimetypes = True" in galaxy.ini. Otherwise it will appear as plaintext xml. But do be aware of the security concerns if you change this setting. Downloading/saving the svg and then manually opening will work regardless.
Thanks for using Galaxy,