Hi All, I am relatively new to galaxy and recently had to take over the work on several tools. After the last galaxy update, one of them stopped working. Old working code: <repeat name="pref" title="Select column name preference"> <param name="columntype" type="select" label="Column name" refresh_on_change="true" dynamic_options='filter_column2(library_file, col_type, polarity)' /> </repeat> This worked perfectly, but now, the select shows me "no options available" When i move the param-tag out of the repeat block, it works again. Also, when i put this param within a conditional like: <conditional name="col_pref"> <param name="apply_select" type="boolean" checked="false" label="Select column name preference?" /> <when value="true"> <param name="columntype" type="select" label="Column name" refresh_on_change="true" dynamic_options='filter_column2(library_file,col_type,polarity)'/> </when> <when value="false"> <param name="model" type="hidden" value="False" /> </when> </conditional> the dynamic_options also does not work. I found a trello -bug report: https://trello.com/c/UJKGsWSu/2469-dynamic-options-in-select-fields-do-not-w... This seems to be my problem too. Can someone confirm for me that it is not possible to use the dynamic_options from within a repeat or conditional block, or am i missing something? Otherwise i have to come up with some sort of workaround. Thank you, Linda Bakker -- Linda Bakker Bioinformatics Research Assistant Plant Research International, Wageningen UR Building 107 (Radix), room W1.Fa.054 Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB, Wageningen, The Netherlands tel: +31-317-480756 email: linda.bakker@wur.nl