I made the erroneous assumption that if I put my own admin user API key into the galaxy configuration master_api_key field, it would accept that and run all the api functions that needed a key connected to a user. It took fair bit of debugging to realize that the master_api_key field chops off all the user info even if it is available (i.e. has no user object), thus yielding numerous API errors for those things a user object is needed for. I can see a few dev solutions to this dilemma, and am wondering what people think - and the result could get into a Trello feature card... a) allow master_api_key to be accompanied by a master_api_email; together they trigger a user object to be associated that has the email address; and this eliminates all the API errors one currently gets. I like this solution because it doesn't depend on the UI interface for managing user keys, i.e. its rather permanent and secure. b) allow a api key called "admin_api_key" to be placed in the galaxy config file. This key has to be active as one user's api key (presumably power user), so that all those api errors are avoided. c) have master_api_key just have a dummy user object included, with say admin@localhost for an email address. Thoughts? Damion