Hi Nikolay, The slurm branch that John mentioned sounds great! That might be your best bet. I didn't get drmaa to run with multiple clusters with flags, but I did 'assign' different job handlers to different destinations in the drmaa.py runner in Galaxy - but that is a bit of a hacky way to do it. -Carrie From: John Chilton <jmchilton@gmail.com<mailto:jmchilton@gmail.com>> Date: Monday, February 1, 2016 at 11:02 AM To: Nikolay Aleksandrov Vazov <n.a.vazov@usit.uio.no<mailto:n.a.vazov@usit.uio.no>> Cc: "dannon.baker@gmail.com<mailto:dannon.baker@gmail.com>" <dannon.baker@gmail.com<mailto:dannon.baker@gmail.com>>, "galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org<mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>" <galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org<mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>>, Carrie Ganote <cganote@iu.edu<mailto:cganote@iu.edu>>, Nate Coraor <nate@bx.psu.edu<mailto:nate@bx.psu.edu>> Subject: Re: Galaxy sending jobs to multiple clusters Nate has a branch of slurm drmaa that allows specifying a --clusters argument in the native specification this can be used to target multiple hosts. More information can be found here: https://github.com/natefoo/slurm-drmaa Here is how Nate uses it to configure usegalaxy.org: https://github.com/galaxyproject/usegalaxy-playbook/blob/master/templates/ga... I guess instead of installing slurm-drmaa for a package manager or the default source - you will just need to install Nate's version. -John On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 1:18 PM, Nikolay Aleksandrov Vazov <n.a.vazov@usit.uio.no<mailto:n.a.vazov@usit.uio.no>> wrote: Hi, John, Dan, Carrie and all others, I am considering a task of setting up a Galaxy instance which shall send jobs to more than on cluster at a time. In my case I am using drmaa-python and I was wondering if it was possible to configure multiple drmaa runners each "pointing" at a different (slurm) control host, e.g. local drmaa1 drmaa2 Thanks a lot for your advice Nikolay =============== Nikolay Vazov, PhD Department for Research Computing, University of Oslo