I’m getting a 500 response from the testtoolshed when I try to upload a tool via planemo:

➜  alveo-galaxy-tools git:(master) ✗ planemo shed_update --shed_target testtoolshed apitools
cd '/Users/steve/projects/alveo-galaxy-tools/apitools' && git rev-parse HEAD
cd '/Users/steve/projects/alveo-galaxy-tools/apitools' && git diff --quiet
Could not update alveoimport
Unexpected HTTP status code: 500: <html>
  <head><title>Internal Server Error</title></head>
    <h1>Internal Server Error</h1>
    <p>The server has either erred or is incapable of performing
the requested operation.

<!--  --></p>
    <hr noshade>
    <div align="right">WSGI Server</div>

Repository metadata updated successfully for repository alveoimport.
Failed to update a repository.

In addition, I just got a “Tool Shed could not be reached” message via the web interface, so i’m wondering if something is up.


Department of Computing, Macquarie University