Hello all,

A couple of GCC2015 related items:

Early Registration closes 22 May

Just a reminder that early registration for the 2015 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2015, http://gcc2015.tsl.ac.uk/) closes Friday, 22 May.  Registering after that costs an average of 40% more.  Space is limited at several events, and when that space is gone, it's gone for good.  Register now and attend the events you want to, and save 40%.  GCC2015 includes several new events and features even more training than before.

Call for Birds of a Feather (BoFs) Meetups

Birds of a feather meetups are informal gatherings of GCC attendees with a shared interest.  They are an essential part of GCCs.  If you have an idea then for a BoF then you are strongly encouraged to propose one:


Oral Presentation Abstracts are Online

Most of the abstracts for accepted talks at GCC2015 are now online.  We expect to put a few more up in the coming week.


They aren't (yet) listed in any particular order.

Again, please do remember to register by 22 May, and we hope to see you in Norwich!


Dave C
