This may be due to an incorrect reference to '/mnt/galaxyTools' in the galaxy user's .sge_request file. If you're comfortable with ssh and editing files on the server, you can log in and edit the file (the path should be /mnt/galaxy instead), and you should be good to go. Feel free to reply offline if you're not comfortable with this and would like me to take a look directly. On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Young, Lynn (NIH/OD/ORS) [E] < lynny@mail.nih.gov> wrote:
We're using Galaxy Cloud -> New Cloud Cluster to create instances of Galaxy for training on Wednesday 20 November.
When we try to view a bam file using Trackster, we get the following error:
/opt/sge/default/spool/execd/ip-10-32-111-66/job_scripts/14: line 13: bedtools: command not found /opt/sge/default/spool/execd/ip-10-32-111-66/job_scripts/14: line 13: bedGraphToBigWig: command not found
Please let us know how to proceed.
Lynn Young, PhD | Informationist/Bioinformatics Scientist | National Institutes of Health Library | Office of Research Services | Building 10, Room B1L-306D | 10 Center Drive | Bethesda, Maryland 20892-1150 | T. 301-594-6426 | F. 301-402-0254 | E. lynny@mail.nih.gov<mailto: lynny@mail.nih.gov> | http://twitter.com/bioinformatics1
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