Dear all, I followed the directions in https://main.g2.bx.psu.edu/u/rkchak/p/data-transfer to set up the Galaxy AMQP listener service so that the sample tracking system can transfer datasets. When running nohup sh run_galaxy_listener.sh & Traceback (most recent call last): File "scripts/galaxy_messaging/server/amqp_consumer.py", line 33, in <module> from galaxy.web.api.requests import RequestsAPIController File "/gpfshpc/software/pmrdcdb/galaxy/galaxy_dist_dev/lib/galaxy/web/api/requests.py", line 7, in <module> from galaxy.web.base.controller import * File "/gpfshpc/software/pmrdcdb/galaxy/galaxy_dist_dev/lib/galaxy/web/base/controller.py", line 17, in <module> from galaxy.visualization.tracks.data_providers import get_data_provider File "/gpfshpc/software/pmrdcdb/galaxy/galaxy_dist_dev/lib/galaxy/visualization/tracks/data_providers.py", line 11, in <module> pkg_resources.require( "pysam" ) File "/gpfshpc/software/pmrdcdb/galaxy/galaxy_dist_dev/lib/galaxy/eggs/__init__.py", line 415, in require raise EggNotFetchable( str( [ egg.name for egg in e.eggs ] ) ) galaxy.eggs.EggNotFetchable: ['pysam'] But Galaxy runs fine and the pysam eggs are already there for a long time as they are used by Galaxy. What could be the problem? kind regards, Leandro