On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Brad Chapman <chapmanb@50mail.com> wrote:
The better fix would be in scripts/nglims/add_ng_defaults.py to make it Python 2.4 compatible. I think this just means replacing lines 51 and 52,
Yes, agreed. Apologies I didn't have a chance to do this last night. In addition to the with statement, I am also a big fan of conditional expressions. Victor, if you do 'hg pull' and 'hg update' on the forked repository you'll get a fixed version of the code that will run with python2.4. I tried to fix all of the incompatibility pieces, but if you find any remaining issues let me know.
Looks like I just did the easy bit - I missed the fact that functools was Python 2.5+ only. Is there a plan for when Galaxy will drop Python 2.4 (and support Python 2.7)? See also, http://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/issue/386/python-27-support Peter