Thanks John for your comments & insights (and Marten on Twitter). I've written, rewritten and culled large chunks of this email. In short, its very complicated, isn't it? Peter (more below) On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 8:17 PM, Eric Rasche <esr@tamu.edu> wrote:
I'd +1 to separating out workflows, if the tools are already available the process shouldn't require an admin to install them (not when you can download/upload manually). Should definitely have some separation there...unfortunately all of my ideas consist of me putting aside other work projects for a month to work on toolshed stuff. It's, likewise, no secret that I desperately want to overhaul it.
Yes. I agree with this too Eric. One problem is the rather than being system-level entities like Galaxy tools and their dependencies, workflows are currently user-level (with a sharing system on top). This means an extra hurdle in the installation when approached from the current administrators Tool Shed view point - which user(s) get to use the new workflow, e.g. https://trello.com/c/j9RQxd6M/ The good news is that *provided* all the dependencies are installed, an end user can easily import my example workflow in just a few steps via a local copy of the *.ga file, or just the GitHub raw URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peterjc/galaxy_blast/master/workflows/blas... I've been thinking about the benefits of a ToolShed style repository_dependencies.xml file versus extracting the dependencies directly from the *.ga file itself: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/issues/118 Peter