On 10/25/2012 12:02 PM, Peter Cock wrote:
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 10:35 AM, Jorrit Boekel <jorrit.boekel@scilifelab.se> wrote:
My question is still though if it would be bad to not raise an exception when different filetypes are split in the same job.
In general splitting multiple files of different types seems dangerous. That is presumably the point of the Galaxy exception.
In my example of splitting a pair of FASTQ files, they are the same format, so Galaxy can make assumptions about how they will be split. Note splitting into chunks based on the size on disk would be wrong (e.g. if the forward reads in the first file are all longer than the reverse reads in the second file).
In the case of splitting a paired FASTA + QUAL file, these are now different file formats, so more caution is required. In fact both can be split are the sequence/read level so can be processed.
I think the key requirement here for 'matched' splitting is each file must have the same number of 'records' (in my example, sequencing reads, in your case sub-files), and can be split into a chunks of the same number of 'records'.
Perhaps different file type combinations could be special cases in the splitter code? Then if there is no dedicated splitter for a given combination, then that combination cannot be split.
I could imagine the multi splitter calling some sort of validating method of the different datatypes to gather information about the different datasets, e.g. split size, split numbers, matching file types, before executing a split. There may be more and better ways to get around it though. I'll settle for disabling the check now, if mainline galaxy would be interested we could look at it further I guess. cheers, jorrit -- Scientific programmer Mass spec analysis support @ BILS Janne Lehtiö / Lukas Käll labs SciLifeLab Stockholm