Hi there,


I’m currently facing several problems with the galaxy instance I’m managing. I’m going to send a mail per problem so sorry in advance : for flooding !


The first problem I’m facing is that we can’t download HTML datasets from Galaxy. Here is the error I got when I try to do download an HTML dataset :


URL: http://use.galaxeast.fr/datasets/ff16fe18e3db62e7/display?to_ext=html

File '/data2/galaxy/production/galaxy/.venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/weberror/evalexception.py', line 431 in respond

  app_iter = self.application(environ, detect_start_response)

File '/data2/galaxy/production/galaxy/.venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/recursive.py', line 85 in __call__

  return self.application(environ, start_response)

File '/data2/galaxy/production/galaxy/.venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/httpexceptions.py', line 640 in __call__

  return self.application(environ, start_response)

File '/data2/galaxy/production/galaxy/lib/galaxy/web/framework/base.py', line 131 in __call__

  return self.handle_request( environ, start_response )

File '/data2/galaxy/production/galaxy/lib/galaxy/web/framework/base.py', line 190 in handle_request

  body = method( trans, **kwargs )

File '/data2/galaxy/production/galaxy/lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/controllers/dataset.py', line 245 in display

  return data.datatype.display_data(trans, data, preview, filename, to_ext, offset=offset, ck_size=ck_size, **kwd)

File '/data2/galaxy/production/galaxy/lib/galaxy/datatypes/data.py', line 353 in display_data

  return self._archive_composite_dataset( trans, data, **kwd )

File '/data2/galaxy/production/galaxy/lib/galaxy/datatypes/data.py', line 235 in _archive_composite_dataset

  params = util.Params( kwd )

File '/data2/galaxy/production/galaxy/lib/galaxy/util/__init__.py', line 683 in __init__

  self.__dict__[ key ] = sanitize_param( value )

File '/data2/galaxy/production/galaxy/lib/galaxy/util/__init__.py', line 488 in sanitize_param

  raise Exception('Unknown parameter type (%s)' % ( type( value ) ))

Exception: Unknown parameter type (<type 'NoneType'>)


We don’t want to disable the sanitize process and we try to add some tools that generate HTML datasets into the whitelist but it didn’t solve our problem.


Version of Galaxy : release_16.04


Any idea about what the problem can be ?


Many thanks in advance for any help,


Best regards,





Stephanie Le Gras

Computational scientist - Bioinformatician
GenomEast platform (former Microarray and Sequencing platform)
1, rue Laurent Fries
67404 ILLKIRCH Cedex
Tel. : +33 (0)3 88 65 32 73