Dear All, I’ve installed a Galaxy CloudMan instance on amazon for a training course we will be giving at the end of the month, as a re-run of a course we did last September. I am facing a problem as I am unable to get the link 'display at UCSC’ for our bed files, and it was not the case back in September. So far, I’ve edited /mnt/galaxy/galaxy-app/datatypes_conf.xml in our cloud instance and uncommented <display file="ucsc/interval_as_bed.xml" /> but it did not change anything after a re-start. Any ideas what could have changed? Or how I could turn this back on? Any help would be greatly appreciated otherwise I will have to rewrite part of the training materials… Many thanks in advance. Best wishes, Anne. -- Dr Anne Pajon - Bioinformatics Core Cancer Research UK - Cambridge Institute Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0RE | +44 (0)1223 769 631