Hi Galaxy Team
I have been working to extract the job list before it is executed into Galaxy. I came to knwo that when we press the Run Workflow button, the following code is executed. Can you please let me know which line inserts code into the jobs table and how do I find that?
outputs = odict()
for i, step in enumerate( workflow.steps ):
if step.type == 'tool' or step.type is None:
tool = trans.app.toolbox.tools_by_id[ step.tool_id ]
input_values = step.state.inputs
# Connect up
def callback( input, value, prefixed_name, prefixed_label ):
if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ):
if prefixed_name in step.input_connections_by_name:
conn = step.input_connections_by_name[ prefixed_name ]
return outputs[ conn.output_step.id ][ conn.output_name ]
visit_input_values( tool.inputs, step.state.inputs, callback )
# Execute it
outputs[ step.id ] = tool.execute( trans, step.state.inputs )
outputs[ step.id ] = step.module.execute( trans, step.state )
Raghav Bhatnagar
Graduate Student (CS)
Viterbi School of Engineering
University of Southern California