Pieter, I just experienced the same with another generic tabular .tab file output. It broke the filename at dash without any extension. The file itself was ok, just the name. Alex Van: galaxy-dev-bounces@lists.bx.psu.edu [mailto:galaxy-dev-bounces@lists.bx.psu.edu] Namens Lukasse, Pieter Verzonden: dinsdag 25 maart 2014 16:33 Aan: galaxy-dev@lists.bx.psu.edu Onderwerp: [galaxy-dev] Strange issue with datatypes in Galaxy version of last week Hi, Apparently a new datatypes bug has been introduced in the Galaxy version of last week: I have a tool that generates a csv file. Tool configuration is like this: <outputs> <data name="simOut" format="msclust.csv" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} - SIM file"/> The datatypes has this entry: <datatype extension="msclust.csv" type="galaxy.datatypes.tabular:Tabular" mimetype="text/csv" display_in_upload="true" subclass="true"/> At first Galaxy output seems fine: [cid:image001.png@01CF484A.88C64A30] But when I download the file, the downloaded file name will be : Galaxy40-[MsClust_on_data_1_-_SIM_file]- When I go to "edit attributes" and just click "save", then upon downloading again, the file name is correct... Galaxy40-[MsClust_on_data_1_-_SIM_file].msclust.csv . Anyone faced this issue? Thanks and regards, Pieter. Pieter Lukasse Wageningen UR, Plant Research International Departments of Bioscience and Bioinformatics Wageningen Campus, Building 107, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB, Wageningen, the Netherlands +31-317481122; skype: pieter.lukasse.wur http://www.pri.wur.nl<http://www.pri.wur.nl/>