On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Prasun Dutta <prasundutta87@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
I have Windows Vista and 8 in two separate laptops. I need to install a local version of Galaxy server in both the systems. I am unable to understand or follow the instructions given in your website (http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/Get%20Galaxy). Could you kindly help me or just explain me stepwise how to install it in my system?
Regards, Prasun Dutta
Quoting that page, "The installation procedure is simple and is nearly identical for UNIX/Linux and Mac OS X. We are no longer supporting the Windows platform with our distribution, so you will have to build your own Python eggs if you want to install it on Windows (see Admin/Config/Windows for some tips). Of course, Windows users can use our public Galaxy server from their browsers." Right now you *can't* install Galaxy on Windows. Only if you were an experienced Python developer with cross-platform experience would it even be worth trying. The idea is you just run a web-browser on your (Windows) Laptop, and connect to Galaxy running on a (Linux) server. Just like you should be able to use your (Windows) Laptop to connect to the public Galaxy at http://usegalaxy.org Peter