Hi list, I've inserted some tools into galaxy. I use it like: - upload file data 1 - execute K-Medoid on data 1 (galaxy produces an output file called "K-Medoid on data 1") Then if I want to plot that data I use another tool of mine. It takes 2 inputs, the kmedoid file and the source file (data 1). So I've to select as input "K-Medoid on data 1" and "data 1" How can I extract "data 1" from "K-Medoid on data 1"? I'd like to select only "K-Medoid on data 1" and it should select automatically "data 1". I think that is possible using metadata but I don't know how Thank you in advance p.s.: sorry for my bad english -- f. "E' in un giorno di pioggia che ti ho conosciuta e il vento dell'ovest rideva gentile..." (Modena City Ramblers) http://fox.noblogs.org/