1 Jul
1 Jul
10:36 a.m.
Not much accomplished this week. I plan to write one more blogspot detailing the datamodel I learnt about galaxy. http://galaxy-gsoc2013.blogspot.com/2013/07/week-2-accomplishments-and-week-... On 24 June 2013 14:11, Saket Choudhary <saketkc@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Just wrote a blog post for my Week1 tasks and Week 2 to-dos:
I am maintaining a work log in this doc : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VCKCpKW6C_Tt1DYWi43GAN_Jo-nebkkj8Ctq7WLI...
If you have any suggestions for the VCF4.1 issue or otherwise. please do let me know.
Saket Choudhary Undergraduate Dept. of Chemical Engineering IIT Bombay