The warning message printed by the first ssh attempt indicates that you have no cloudman_key_pair.pem in the directory you executed the ssh command from.  Find this file (or create a new one) and you'll be able to ssh.

Good luck, and please keep threads on the list instead of emailing directly.  Thanks!


On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 1:36 PM, <> wrote:
Hi- the share string appears to be loading, but I am unable to ssh into my instance using the provided command, or anything like it. Instead I get the following:

denizerezyilmaz$ ssh -i cloudman_key_pair.pem
Warning: Identity file cloudman_key_pair.pem not accessible: No such file or directory.


 denizerezyilmaz$ ssh
Permission denied (publickey).

What am I missing? Thank you, Deniz