Again, very nice feature. And of course, some comments: 1. The search is too general (IMHO). If I search for "rna", I get (among other tools) the "lastz" tool, because it has the following line in the help section: === 3. RNAME Reference sequence NAME === (Note the "RNA" in "RNAME"...) To be useful, the basic search has to include the tool name and possibly the description, and preferably some keywords (specified manually in the XML). An advanced search might offer a global text search. 2. The "recently used tools" is not updated after running a new tool. One has to reload the page (and then the list is hidden by default). 3. a small bug: 1. reload galaxy (for a clean start) 2. click "options->Search Tools" (search box is shown) 3. click "options->Show recently used" (recently-used menu is shown) 4. Search for a tool which is NOT in the recently used menu (e.g. search for "foobar") 5. The "recently used" menu is forever gone, no way to get it back: the "options" menu still says "hide", but even clicking multiple times on hide/show does not bring it back. 4. not necessarily a bug: All workflows in the "workflow" menu (i.e. workflows that were configured to be on the user's tools menu) are always displayed, regardless of the active search. This is probably by design, but it's conceptually confusing (because you encourage users to use workflows as regular tools in that menu). -gordon