Hi Marco,

No problem - I originally copied the metadata access
trick from one of the Galaxy dev-team's tool anyway.

Maybe we need to add this to the wiki...


On Tuesday, January 13, 2015, Marco Albuquerque <marcoalbuquerque.sfu@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Peter,

I was unaware of how to access metadata, that seemed to be my issue. The
tool works now though!

Thanks so much,


On 2015-01-09 7:13 PM, "Peter Cock" <p.j.a.cock@googlemail.com> wrote:
>I think the symlink approach is best, see for example the Python
>wrapper script I used here for "samtools idxstats",
>However, you can make the link in the XML directly, see Dave's
>reworking of this wrapper: