8 Aug
8 Aug
3:17 a.m.
Hi, Is there a default notation to specify perl modules (threading modules) in a tool configuration or in a submission to the toolshed? I've got some tools to share that make extensive use of these modules, and they are not default in a perl distribution. Hence, I'd like to inform the users that they need to install these modules (or that they get installed by the the toolshed using cpan ?) Best, Geert -- Geert Vandeweyer, Ph.D. Department of Medical Genetics University of Antwerp Prins Boudewijnlaan 43 2650 Edegem Belgium Tel: +32 (0)3 275 97 56 E-mail: geert.vandeweyer@ua.ac.be http://ua.ac.be/cognitivegenetics http://www.linkedin.com/pub/geert-vandeweyer/26/457/726