Hi all Please allow me to come back to this old problem: On usegalaxy.org, the tool is now pointing to http://www.ensembl.org/biomart/martview (see also: https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/commit/c49e7803fa1814abd04afb26b5496... ) and it seems to work, i.e stuff is sent to usegalaxy.org. If I try to do the same on our local galaxy server, I still run into the same problem as last November: the requests are not send to Galaxy, but end up on the ensembl web page, where they cause a "Error 404 - Page not found". Is there anything else, I need to change? Thank you very much for your help Hans-Rudolf On 11/17/2015 08:40 AM, Hans-Rudolf Hotz wrote:
As you probably know, the central BioMart server is currently unavailable (see: http://www.biomart.org/notice.html). Hence, the "Get Data -> BioMart Central server" tool in our local Galaxy installation does not work anymore - well, this is also the case on usegalaxy.org.
We can easily switch the tool to point to a different Mart server, i.e.:
Change: <inputs action="http://www.biomart.org/biomart/martview" ....
to: <inputs action="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/uniprot/biomart/martview" ....
However, we would like to switch to the ensembl Mart server:
It looks like the ensembl Mart server is nowadays embedded in the ensembl web site, and the requests are not send to Galaxy, but end up on the ensembl web page, where they cause a "Error 404 - Page not found". Unfortunately, I am not that savvy about the inner works of the ensembl web site anymore ;)
Has anyone else looked into this problem and found already a solution?
Thank you very much for any help