Hi D K,
for a good example of how to test parameters from data tables, please see: https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-devteam/tree/master/tools/bowtie_wrappers

Your tool_data_table_conf.xml.test should be different from your .sample and contain:

<file path="${__HERE__}/test-data/twobit.loc" />

Please note the use of ${__HERE__} to indicate the directory where the tool is.
You should also have a comment-only tool-data/twobit.loc.sample , while the loc file for testing should be in test-data/twobit.loc


On 06/10/16 23:08, D K wrote:
Hi galaxy-dev,

I'm having a problem running a test using planemo where I would like the value of a parameter taken from one of the data tables. I get the following error in planemo:
'Error creating a job for these tool inputs - Parameter refGenomeSource_type requires a value, but has no legal values defined.\n

From my script XML:
 <param name="refGenomeSource_type" type="select" label="Select a reference genome / transcriptome">
      <options from_data_table="type_indexes">
        <param name="refGenomeSource_type" value="hsapiens"/>

From my "tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample" and "tool_data_table_conf.xml.test" (mirrored)
<table name="type_indexes" comment_char="#" allow_duplicate_entries="False">
        <columns>value, name, path</columns>
        <file path="tool-data/twobit.loc" />    

and from twobit.loc (where the columns are tab separated):
hsapiens        H. sapiens (hg38)       /remote/RMS/users/galaxy/reference_genomes/MFEprimer_index/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.fa

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! 

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