Dear Galaxy Development team, 

I am deploying a clone of our public instance on a new infrastructure in another data center. In the new setup, a master node with Galaxy application running and have another couple of slave nodes connected via htcondor tool runner. 

The master and slaves nodes are connected properly. I manually checked a job submission and it worked well.

I upgraded the clone codebase to v16.04 stable release version. Found an issue in github issue tracker related to my case this and made a comment but didn't get any response. 

When I submit a job for uploading a small file to the clone instance, the instance won't submit jobs and it stays idle stage. On my master node, when I use condor specific command to see the job status it is also not listing any jobs from galaxy user. 

I felt like the job preparation step is not done properly, The log file displays the following: DEBUG 2016-06-28 17:47:58,213 Validated and populated state for tool request (23.232 ms) DEBUG 2016-06-28 17:47:58,215 Persisted uploads (1.766 ms) DEBUG 2016-06-28 17:47:58,256 Checked and cleaned uploads (40.963 ms) INFO 2016-06-28 17:47:58,277 tool upload1 created job id 77960 DEBUG 2016-06-28 17:47:58,315 Created upload job (58.474 ms) DEBUG 2016-06-28 17:47:58,315 Tool [upload1] created job [77960] (101.754 ms) DEBUG 2016-06-28 17:47:58,323 Executed 1 job(s) for tool upload1 request: (109.568 ms)

Is there any public server running with condor as the cluster job runner? I would like to get some help to resolve my issue to connect the cluster via htcondor. 

Virtually enjoying the GCC2016 talks! Thank you for providing the links. 
Vipin | Rätsch Lab