On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Paul-Michael Agapow <Paul-Michael.Agapow@hpa.org.uk> wrote:
A peculiar quirk – I’m configuring a new Galaxy system for production use and can’t get it to recognise my account as an admin, i.e. the admin menu doesn’t appear after I’ve added my email address to the admin_user line in the universe file. Of course, I’ve restarted the instance multiple times, checked spelling and so forth. It’s just not happening.
Complication: we’re using one Galaxy instance as the webserver with another as a job runner. I don’t know if this might cause issues.
Okay, any ideas what I might have missed?
Remove any whitespace in the universe setting line (I think this was fixed, but it used to cause problems), and double check which case you are using (I personally consider it to be a bug that Galaxy compares email address in a case sensitive way - not sure if this has been filed as an issue or not). Regards, Peter