Hello, I set up a FTP server with SFTP support on my galaxy instance. I have a strange behavior when trying to connect by SFTP. Some users cannot authentify (access denied) whereas other can. As all users can login to the web interface with their credentials, I wanted to check if the length of the password could be the problem with SFTP. To do so, I went to the admin interface to reset the password of a user who could connect by SFTP. Then, this user can connect to the galaxy web interface with the new password but not by SFTP ; if we use the old password, it still works for SFTP authenfication as if both passwords are independent. Could you help me to solve the problem? Yec'han ================================================ Dr. Yec'han LAIZET Ingenieur Bioinformatique Tel: +33 (0)5 57 12 27 75 _________________________________ INRA-UMR BIOGECO 1202 Equipe Genetique 69 route d'Arcachon 33612 CESTAS ================================================