Hi Chaolin,
I am Chaitanya Guttula from University of Goergia, working under Dr. Jessica Kissinger and Dr. John Miller . Sumedha, a previous student in this lab developed the code to refresh galaxy without restarting it again. The galaxy developers community also agreed to add the functionality to the galaxy main code base. It requires minimal change to the galaxy-code base. These are the instructions to do that.
Changes to Galaxy to add refresh toolbox ability:
1. change the execute method of the class tool in lib/galaxy/tools/__init__.py to
def execute( self, trans, incoming={}, set_output_hid=True ):
Execute the tool using parameter values in `incoming`. This just
dispatches to the `ToolAction` instance specified by
`self.tool_action`. In general this will create a `Job` that
when run will build the tool's outputs, e.g. `DefaultToolAction`.
#add code to verify if user has administrative privileges
#added by sumedha ganjoo, sganjoo@uga.edu: line 1104 to 1109 - to refresh toolbox
if self.id == 'REFRESH_ID':
return self.tool_action.execute( self, trans, incoming=incoming, set_output_hid=set_output_hid )
2. add refreshToolBox method (find below) to UniverseApplication class in lib/galaxy/app.py
# added by sumedha ganjoo,sganjoo@uga.edu, line 86-90
def refreshToolBox( self):
self.toolbox = tools.ToolBox( self.config.tool_config, self.config.tool_path, self )
3. Add Refresh tool
Chaitanya Guttula.
We have a local galaxy mirror installed and running. Is there a way to add new tools without restarting galaxy? Thanks!
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