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From: "Richard Rauscher" <rrauscher@hmc.psu.edu> Date: January 12, 2010 12:39:46 PM EST To: <anton@bx.psu.edu> Subject: python 2.6.2 and galaxy development
Hi Anton, I’m trying to write a module for galaxy (my first attempt) – wondering if you have any experience with using Python 2.6 with it… Thx, -Rich
Richard Rauscher Director of IT, Biomedical Research & Penn State Cancer Institute Director, Cancer Biomedical Informatics Core Penn State University Hershey, PA (717) 531-1066 rrauscher@psu.edu This signature is RFC 3092 compliant. :-) *****E-Mail Confidentiality Notice***** This message (including any attachments) contains information intended for a specific individual(s) and purpose that may be privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure pursuant to applicable law. Any inappropriate use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalty. If you have received this transmission in error, please reply to the sender indicating this error and delete the transmission from your system immediately.
Anton Nekrutenko http://nekrut.bx.psu.edu http://usegalaxy.org