Hi Hans- Rudolf, Freiburg is running SL-6.7. Ciao and thanks for collection this! Bjoern Am 20.01.2016 um 14:20 schrieb Hans-Rudolf Hotz:
Dear All
Our production Galaxy server has been running smoothly on a single multicore box with Red Hat 6.7. As this box gets older and older, it is in now time to replace it.
At the same time, we are also considering switching the operating system to CentOS 7. Has anyone switched a production installation from Red Hat to CentOS ?
'Galaxy Main' is running on CentOS, isn't-it?
I am also interested in plain numbers: how many of you are using Red Hat, how many CentOS and which version for your production server. I will probably need such numbers to convince our IT department.
There is no need to reply to the mailing list, just reply to me (hrh@fmi.ch) and if I get enough I will then collate and anonymize all the data and post back. Maybe we can even add such information to the wiki (https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Community/Deployments)?
Thank you very much for your help Hans-Rudolf