Hi All,

I'm having an error at this:

Dataset 18: Wig/BedGraph-to-bigWig on data 12

Tool execution generated the following error message:

grep: writing output: Broken pipe

grep: writing output: Broken pipe

grep: writing output: Broken pipe

grep: writing output: Broken pipe

put: Broken pipe
grep: writing output: Broken pipe
grep: writing output: Broken pipe


grep: writing output: Broken pipe

grep: write error

Error running wigToBigWig.

The tool produced the following additional output:

hashMustFindVal: '1' not found

I searched and found this link:


which says that there is a naming convention difference.

I followed what he did and replaced chrom=1 to chrom=chr1 etc, now it goes further, but

still dies with error:

line 18020168 of /tmp/t3: chromosome chr1 has 195276750 bases, but item ends at 195276760

line 18020169 of /tmp/t3: chromosome chr1 has 195276750 bases, but item ends at 195276770

line 18020170 of /tmp/t3: chromosome chr1 has 195276750 bases, but item ends at 195276780

line 18020171 of /tmp/t3: chromosome chr1 has 195276750 bases, but item ends at 195276790

line 18020172 of /tmp/t3: chromosome chr1 has 195276750 bases, but item ends at 195276800

line 18020173 of /tmp/t3: chromosome chr1 has 195276750 bases, but item ends at 195276810

line 18020174 of /tmp/t3: chromosome chr1 has 195276750 bases, but item ends at 195276820

line 18020175 of /tmp/t3: chromosome chr1 has 195276750 bases, but item ends at 195276830

line 18020176 of /tmp/t3: chromosome chr1 has 195276750 bases, but item ends at 195276840

line 18020177 of /tmp/t3: chromosome chr1 has 195276750 bases, but item ends at 195276850

line 18020178 of /tmp/t3: chromosome chr1 has 195276750 bases, but item ends at 195276860

line 18020179 of /tmp/t3: chromosome chr1 has 195276750 bases, but item ends at 195276870

line 18020180 of /tmp/t3: chromosome chr1 has 195276750 bases, but item ends at 195276880

Unrecognized line 18020181 of /tmp/t3:

variableStep chr10 span=10

Error running wigToBigWig.

The command line is: wigToBigWig  /tmp/t3 /home/bioinfoadmin/app/galaxy-dist/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/ucsc_gg4.len /home/bioinfoadmin/app/galaxy-dist/database/files/000/dataset_769.dat -clip 2>&1 || echo "Error running wigToBigWig." >&2

Quite puzzled...wondering if anyone has seen it before and could give me a hand. :-) I'll really appreciate!

