Hi Jim, 
How did you launch your instance?

If you still have the instance up, could you please also forward the first ~200 lines of /mnt/cm/paster.log (deleting any identifiable info from the log).

Sorry abou the trouble and thanks for reporting it,

On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 8:58 PM, Jim White <jimwhite@uw.edu> wrote:
When I start CloudMan following the instructions at (
https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/CloudMan) (ami-a7dbf6ce, Galaxy CloudMan
2.3) I get pretty far in the process but then Galaxy won't start because
the EBS volumes are never mounted.  The Volume console shows that the
volumes get created based on the public snapshots but they never go to "in
use" which suggest that the call to mount them isn't getting done for some
reason.  I probably will end up building my own CloudMan AMI (I'm mostly
interested in HTCondor DAGman rather than Galaxy) but I figured you'd want
to know about this issue.



Admin Console:

EC2 Volumes:


Cluster status log
13:22:17 - Master starting
13:22:18 - Successfully retrieved root user's public key from file.
13:22:18 - Completed the initial cluster startup process. This is a new
cluster; waiting to configure the type.
13:22:22 - Migration service prerequisites OK; starting the service
13:22:22 - SGE service prerequisites OK; starting the service
13:22:28 - Setting up SGE...
13:22:36 - Initializing 'Galaxy' cluster type with storage type 'volume'.
Please wait...
13:22:40 - For filesystem galaxy, unknown kind: galaxy
13:22:40 - For filesystem galaxyIndices, unknown kind: galaxyIndices
13:22:45 - PostgreSQL data directory '/mnt/galaxy/db' does not exist (yet?)
13:22:46 - Adding volume vol-9fe10c87 (FS object for galaxy)...
13:22:46 - Could not determine next available device from frozenset([])
13:22:46 - Error adding file system service FS object for galaxy:
'NoneType' object is not iterable
13:22:46 - Adding volume vol-6ae10c72 (FS object for galaxyIndices)...
13:23:32 - Could not determine next available device from frozenset([])
13:23:32 - Error adding file system service FS object for galaxyIndices:
'NoneType' object is not iterable
13:23:36 - Empty disk usage for FS transient_nfs
13:23:36 - STATUS CHECK: File system named 'galaxy' is not mounted. Error
code 0
13:23:36 - STATUS CHECK: File system named 'galaxyIndices' is not mounted.
Error code 0
13:23:36 - PostgreSQL data directory '/mnt/galaxy/db' does not exist (yet?)
13:23:49 - Empty disk usage for FS transient_nfs
13:23:49 - STATUS CHECK: File system named 'galaxy' is not mounted. Error
code 0
13:23:49 - STATUS CHECK: File system named 'galaxyIndices' is not mounted.
Error code 0
13:23:49 - PostgreSQL data directory '/mnt/galaxy/db' does not exist (yet?)
13:24:01 - Empty disk usage for FS transient_nfs
13:24:01 - STATUS CHECK: File system named 'galaxy' is not mounted. Error
code 0
13:24:01 - STATUS CHECK: File system named 'galaxyIndices' is not mounted.
Error code 0
13:24:01 - PostgreSQL data directory '/mnt/galaxy/db' does not exist (yet?)
13:24:14 - Empty disk usage for FS transient_nfs
13:24:14 - STATUS CHECK: File system named 'galaxy' is not mounted. Error
code 0
13:24:14 - STATUS CHECK: File system named 'galaxyIndices' is not mounted.
Error code 0

Admin Console log
2014-10-25 13:27:42,910 DEBUG         master:2445 Monitor adding service
2014-10-25 13:27:42,910 DEBUG       __init__:300  Galaxy service
prerequisites are not yet satisfied, waiting for: [, , , , ]. Setting
Galaxy service state to 'Unstarted'
2014-10-25 13:27:42,911 DEBUG         master:2445 Monitor adding service
2014-10-25 13:27:42,911 DEBUG       __init__:300  GalaxyReports service
prerequisites are not yet satisfied, waiting for: []. Setting GalaxyReports
service state to 'Unstarted'
2014-10-25 13:27:47,307 DEBUG            sge:552  qstat:
['all.q@ip-10-158-92-92.ec2.inte BIP   0/0/1          0.33     lx24-amd64
2014-10-25 13:27:47,344 WARNING   filesystem:518  Empty disk usage for FS
2014-10-25 13:27:47,366 ERROR     filesystem:582  STATUS CHECK: File system
named 'galaxy' is not mounted. Error code 0
2014-10-25 13:27:47,390 ERROR     filesystem:582  STATUS CHECK: File system
named 'galaxyIndices' is not mounted. Error code 0
2014-10-25 13:27:47,391 WARNING     postgres:199  PostgreSQL data directory
'/mnt/galaxy/db' does not exist (yet?)
2014-10-25 13:27:47,404 DEBUG         master:2534 S&S:
Migration..Completed; SGE..OK; FS object for transient_nfs..OK;
PSS..Unstarted; FS object for galaxy..Error; FS object for
galaxyIndices..Error; Postgres..Unstarted; ProFTPd..Unstarted;
Galaxy..Unstarted; GalaxyReports..Unstarted;
2014-10-25 13:27:47,404 DEBUG         master:2445 Monitor adding service
2014-10-25 13:27:47,404 DEBUG            pss:87   FS object for galaxy not
running (Error), PSS service prerequisites not met afterall,not starting
the service yet
2014-10-25 13:27:47,404 DEBUG         master:2445 Monitor adding service
2014-10-25 13:27:47,405 DEBUG       __init__:300  Postgres service
prerequisites are not yet satisfied, waiting for: []. Setting Postgres
service state to 'Unstarted'
2014-10-25 13:27:47,405 DEBUG         master:2445 Monitor adding service
2014-10-25 13:27:47,405 DEBUG       __init__:300  ProFTPd service
prerequisites are not yet satisfied, waiting for: [, ]. Setting ProFTPd
service state to 'Unstarted'
2014-10-25 13:27:47,405 DEBUG         master:2445 Monitor adding service
2014-10-25 13:27:47,405 DEBUG       __init__:300  Galaxy service
prerequisites are not yet satisfied, waiting for: [, , , , ]. Setting
Galaxy service state to 'Unstarted'
2014-10-25 13:27:47,405 DEBUG         master:2445 Monitor adding service
2014-10-25 13:27:47,406 DEBUG       __init__:300  GalaxyReports service
prerequisites are not yet satisfied, waiting for: []. Setting GalaxyReports
service state to 'Unstarted'
2014-10-25 13:27:51,407 DEBUG         master:2445 Monitor adding service
2014-10-25 13:27:51,408 DEBUG            pss:87   FS object for galaxy not
running (Error), PSS service prerequisites not met afterall,not starting
the service yet

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