Hello, I’m wondering if there is any way to change an established Tool Shed URL. I have a Galaxy instance and a Tool Shed instance (http://mytoolshed.url/xxx) A lot of tools have beed installed from that Tool Shed inside Galaxy (tools referenced inside workflows etc) I want to change the Tool Shed URL from http://mytoolshed.url/xxx to http://mytoolshed2.url/yyyy. Galaxy and Tool Shed seems to use parts of the URL as a guid for tools. Tool Shed does not seem to bother to be called by either URLs (it generates guids with the new URLs scheam for new tools though) Galaxy does not seem to handle it, I changed the tool_sheds_conf.xml to point to new URL, but when I update a tool on the Tool Shed, Galaxy gets the new version but it generates buggy tool panel (the tool is cited twice) I also tried to mess around with the shed_tool_conf.xml apdapting the guids and the <tool_shed> items with no luck. Can someone point me to the right direction ? How the matching is done between shed_tool_conf.xml entries, the tool_version and tool_shed_repository tables. Thank you for your help. Youssef Ghorbal Institut Pasteur