Dear All

I wanted to send a note to folks about Globus World 2014. I apologize before hand for spamming both the developer list and the users list also but I thought this may be relevant to folks on the lists. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Globus World 2014

GlobusWorld is this year’s biggest gathering of all things Globus. GlobusWorld 2014 features a Using Globus Genomics to Accelerate Analysis Tutorial, and a full half day on Globus Genomicsin the main meeting, including a keynote by Nancy Cox and these accepted talks:

Globus Genomics is a Globus and Galaxy based platform for genomic analysis. GlobusWorld is being held April 15-17, in Chicago.  And, GCC2014 is a Silver Sponsor of GlobusWorld.

Ravi K Madduri
MCS, Argonne National Laboratory
Computation Institute, University of Chicago