
Thank you for your fast reply! Looks like "library_import_dir" is for admins and there is another library option for users. I will try with that one and see if the files appear in the GUI.


Mehmet Belgin, Ph.D. (
Scientific Computing Consultant | OIT - Academic and Research Technologies
Georgia Institute of Technology
258 Fourth Street, Rich Building, Room 326 
Atlanta, GA  30332-0700
Office: (404) 385-0665

On Jun 7, 2012, at 2:04 PM, Langhorst, Brad wrote:


It's not important how the files get there, they could be moved via ftp, scp, cp, smb - whatever.
Galaxy will use that directory to import from no matter how the files arrive.

I found that confusing at first too.

On Jun 7, 2012, at 1:55 PM, Mehmet Belgin wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I am helping a research group to use Galaxy on our clusters. Unfortunately I have no previous experience with Galaxy, but learning along the way. We are almost there, but cannot figure out one particular issue. This is about configuration of Galaxy, so I thought developers list is a better place to submit than the user list.

The galaxy web interface allows for either copy/paste of text, or a URL. Unfortunately we cannot setup a FTP server as instructed due to restrictions on the cluster. The files we are trying to upload are large; around 2GB in size. It does not make sense to upload these files to a remote location (which we can provide an URL for) and download them back, since the data and galaxy are on the same system. However, I could not find a way to open these files locally. 

I did some reading, and hoped that "library_import_dir" in "universe_wsgi.ini" would do the trick, but it didn't. Therefore, I will really appreciate any suggestions.

Thanks a lot in advance!


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Brad Langhorst